Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tenacity, Grit, and Charm

My young son spent the weekend in Lake Tahoe. Nothing can stop him. He is my hero and my inspiration.

You should see this kid wakeboard. And he has been to Nationals for fencing two years in a row.

No, his bad leg doesn't stop him. In fact he says he's glad to face the challenge.

He doesn't let me hover over him like the Helicopter Mom that I am. He shoos me away, knowing he is perfectly capable of doing things on his own. I learn a lot from my 13-year-old.

He is already a better writer than I am. He often tries to help, and his criticisms are constructive and kind, "I think it might be better if you analyze your characters a bit more," or "Think about who is telling the story, Mom!"

He says he is not going to ever worry about where he's going to go to college because all the schools seem interesting in their own unique way.

But...I have a sneaky suspicion that he won't be quite as forthcoming as his older brother...

He's the one that I am going to have to keep my eye on. I'll probably need a whole BLOG just for him!


  1. That kid is nucking futs!

  2. That nucking futs kid would love to ski with you jim!

  3. Will:
    You've made great progress since your last lesson! Come up again soon, and keep working on it. You want to build that muscle memory solid enough to carry you into next year and then, hopefully, pick it up near where you left off.
    Papa and Nana

  4. Will --

    That was so terrifically impressive. I think you must be incredibly strong -- both in your arms and your legs. Not to mention incredibly well-coordinated. I can't wait to see you next week! Love, Linda S

  5. Will--

    I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished.


  6. This is what it's all about! Perfection!

  7. You GO Will! I ski in an adaptive program too. I learned to ski at the Ability Center in Park City UT. They introduced me to outriggers and it totally opened up my options on the slopes. Hard to do a 'pizza stop' when I couldn't make my artificial leg move that way. :)
    I'm so glad you are out there, grabbing life by the tail. Just beat your mom back with your outrigger and have a ball on the slopes! :)

