I have had the good fortune of two identical mothers. Not a good mother and an evil one like those depicted in Neil Gaiman's Coraline, but two loving mothers.
Tomorrow, my 17 year old son starts his last semester of his senior year. I have been trying to prepare for this day since the day of his birth. Will I live happily ever after-birth?
Writing can be therapeutic. I write these posts not knowing if anyone really wants to read them. But boy looking over them, I sure see my insecurities clearly. They actually leap off the page at me. I knew I needed to get a life. But I had no idea how badly.
A direct result of my writing brought me to a beauty salon where I had my eyebrows waxed and my hair cut drastically. A change is what I needed. And it really helped. It has given my a little lightness in my step.
When I walked around San Francisco the other morning I noticed both men and women smiling at me. Was it the much needed sunshine lighting up everyone’s moods or was it the “sunshine” in me?
It seems impossible but I threw my clothes on that day with a little care and I even applied make-up. I covered up my old age spots with foundation. I even applied make-up to the dark circles that now underline my eyes. How long would this feeble attempt at youth last I wondered? Do I need to think I look good in order to feel good?
I went marketing that same afternoon, one of my most hated chores. But with the cabinets bare and everything devoured from the fridge I knew I couldn’t put it off any longer. So I pushed my cart along the produce isles looking for basil when a man appeared and asked me if I was Italian. No, I told him. He continued talking to me and it took me awhile to figure out that he was flirting with me. Now that hasn’t happened in a long time. Should I rush back to my hairdresser and give him a bigger tip. Has he recaptured my youth with the sheering of a few split ends?
I bid my admirer a cheery “ciao” and a “graci” and off I went enjoying the rest of my marketing a little too much.
This innocent rendezvous got me thinking. Is it the make-up and new do really the reason for the newly acquired and much needed attention. Or is it how I feel about myself with the newly adorned accessories?
Could I carry around the same self-confidence when I look like crap? I knew I had to try. Fifty-two and I can’t count on superficial things to make me beautiful. I’m old enough to know I have to cherish the beauty within and hope for the occasional approving nod to get me through the cold, hard winter of my life.
I am sitting quietly on our sand colored faux suede sectional with Tom and Kyle. Will is off at a friend’s house and Gordon is obviously missing.
We sit together watching television. Suddenly Tom decides it’s time to pick up Will. He grabs his keys and is out the door.
Kyle quickly maneuvers the remote controls and turns on his brand new Xbox 360. He is ready to kill some Nazi Zombies. I look on sheepishly. His phone begins to vibrate. He takes the call and walks into his room for privacy.
I sit alone on my sand colored faux suede couch watching a still frame of World at War. I sit for a long time.
I have no idea how to turn off the Xbox 360 and replace it with some good old- fashioned television.
I am all alone staring blankly at the rest of my life.
My only choice--to become the world’s oldest woman to be competitive at killing Nazi zombies. Perhaps then I will stay relevant!
Three more hours and it’s a new year. How fitting that Kyle is not with us! He has begun to chart his own course.
No Internet service in Tahoe so I will post this late. I just needed to exhale and take a moment to accept the fact that life is changing.
Too bad it had to happen right smack in the middle of my change of life.
Change. I used to revel in it. I used to encourage it. I used to enjoy it. That is until I began my night sweats, mood fluctuations, and gas production. How utterly charming change can be!
For the last sixteen years I have spent New Years with Kyle. This is the first year he will not spend it with us.
Since his birth I haven’t gone to a party or out to dinner without the kids on New Years Eve.
“No way!” I used to say to Tom. “I want to celebrate the New Year with the family.” Tom indulged me.
Now, it seems Kyle would rather mark the celebration with his friends.
He should. I want him to. He will have a much better time.
But as I just kissed him good-bye and bid him adieux I cried. I couldn’t help myself.
Another ridiculous display of emotion. Another clear indicator of the passage of time.
I know this is all my fault. I should have spent a least a few New Years just with Tom. But no. I couldn’t. Did I understand at some level that the years would fly by and soon enough the kids would not want to spend time with us anymore? Or was I trying to teach the kids the importance of family?
Come on. Let’s be honest. Did I really know that this day was coming and I just didn’t want to make it that easy for them?
“Look I spent all these years celebrating with you ….”
Could I be this selfish and manipulative? The answer is clearly yes. Did I do it intentionally? I’m really not sure. But I did it. And the laughs on me.
I am fully aware that I am indeed the luckiest person in the world to know that Tom still wants to spend New Years with me. At least I think he does. HMMMMM?
I am sitting on a windowsill looking out over snowing Lake Tahoe. I hear my kids and my husband getting ready for a day of skiing and hanging out with friends.
I will be left alone in the rambling ski house of my wonderful Mother and Father-in-law.
Tom and Will are skiing in the adaptive ski program. Kyle will wait for his friends at yet another ski resort and then spend New Years Eve with them.
I will wait for Tom and Will to return and then have a 6:30PM dinner tonight celebrating New Years Eve.
I am starting to feel old. Real old.
When I was 16-years-old I wrote a poem. I just remembered it. How fitting!
“I am a piece of seaweed lying on a desolate beach
For the tide to take me to a new beginning and a new end.”
What was I thinking all those years ago. It seems so apt for this particular moment in time.
So I write. And wait. And wonder where the tide will take me. Am I too old for new beginnings? Should I just be waiting for the same old end?
A happy and healthy New Years to all. A new year filled with possibilities, with hopes and dreams.